What is Web 3.0
Web 3.0 is slated to be the new paradigm in web interaction and will mark a fundamental change in how developers create websites, but more importantly, how people interact with those websites.
Computer scientists and Internet experts believe that this new paradigm in web interaction will further make people’s online lives easier and more intuitive as smarter applications such as better search functions give users exactly what they are looking for, since it will be akin to an artificial intelligence which understands context rather than simply comparing keywords, as is currently the case.
Now let’s discuss about the evolution of the internet.
The when Start Internet has been evolving according to our needs and uses. then would be not change the Climate change world to use internet
Let’s first discuss about Web 1.0.
Web 1.0
In the mid-to-late ‘90’s the internet version which existed used to be dominated by AltaVista.
At that time the websites were “read-only Web”, this means that you were only allowed to search for information and read it.
The concept behind Web 1.0 is simple, that’s why many e-commerce websites are still Web 1.0 in nature.
These websites are usually smooth in use and are fast in speed. However, the level of user-interaction is minimalistic
Web 2.0
Web 2.0 was the next iteration of the internet.
It was also called “read-write Web”. This means that now the visitors instead of just reading information, they could create and uploads their own content on any website.
Web 2.0 was started in 2003 by Dale Dougherty, Vice President at O’ Reilly Media.
The main aim of Web 2.0 was to make the internet more democratic and make it user-accessible
Web 3.0
Whenever we shop for any product online, the website recommends some products.
This algorithm works like this: When we purchase any product the recommendations shown to us are actually those products which the people purchased after purchasing the product that we are currently purchasing.
This means that the website itself learns from the other users what your choices can be.
Unlike Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, Web 3.0 allows you not only to read and write but it also allows online application and websites to receive information from Web and to give new information/data to the users
“It can give something back that was not previously known”.
Advantage of web 3.O
Unlike web 2.0, Web 3 focusses on trust, security and privacy of the user.
Web 3.0 is more intelligent & it leverages artificial intelligence & machine learning technology to understand information like a human.
Web 3 is decentralized.
It means that no single entity can control any aspect of the internet. It will be an equal and shared ownership of everyone. If you have internet, you can access anything and everything available on it.
Artificial intelligence will be able to understand your buying needs better in Web 3. So no more unnecessary and irrelevant ads.
Creators ownership is another advantage that Web 3 comes with. Web 3 will be putting power in the hands of creators, influencers, artists, or anyone creating content for their fans.